
Sunday 18 February 2018

How to learn English? How to Learn English Speaking Easily

How to learn English? How to Learn English Speaking Easily

There is a different importance of learning English in our country of India. In India, its requirement is increasing day by day.

English is a language that gives you a new hope to move forward and gives you the ability to connect with people from other countries. We do not say that you forget your maternal language or it is bad, we are trying to say that you can learn to write your Home Languages ​​as well as English.

There is a great need of English in the era of today's technology. Even in the Parliament, the English language has been recognized as an official language.

If you only know to speak or write the language of your state, then you are confined to your state, if you know to speak Hindi, then you will reach the corners of India, but if you learn English and write what you You can reach out to every corner of the world.

If you do not have good English then do not worry. From this post you will learn some tips that will help you a lot before you learn English, and this will increase your enthusiasm.

5 main rules for learning English speaking? HOW TO LEARN ENGLISH SPEAKING EASILY

#1 If you want to talk in ENGLISH then stop paying attention to GRAMMAR

It does not seem to be unheard of on Grammar, but it is very true. This is the first step to learn Spoken English. If you are a student and you have to give an exam in Engilsh, then you need to pay full attention to Grammar, but if you have to speak English then you do not need Grammar.
By speaking in English, you will become confused by paying attention to Grammar and because of that, talking in your English will be slow. Because of your focus on Grammar's rules, you will start to panic while speaking, due to which you will not be able to speak Fluent English.

You must be surprised to know that only 20% of English speakers in the world have the right knowledge of Grammar and others talk without using Grammar. Those 20% people who come especially, are teachers and students who are affiliated with large universities while the rest 80% of English speakers are big speakers and ordinary people.

If you want to check this thing, then carefully listen to the large Speaker's English Speech on any TV. There you will definitely get mistakes in a lot of sari grammar in English Speaking of 90% people. But this does not mean that they do not have to speak English. In Spoken English, you need to take care of two things: Need to speak with some Simple English words and Confidence.

#2.Read the PHRASE of ENGLISH
People pay more attention to Vocabulary and try to make good sentence by adding them. But by doing so they can not make any good sentence. This happens because they do not pay attention to Phrases in the beginning. When a child learns to speak any language for the first time, words and phrases / phrases (Phrase) learn together, so that person quickly learns that language. So first of all, you have to learn English Phrase.
If you know 1000 English words, hardly you will be able to make a good sentence but if you know a Phrase, you can easily create more than 100 correct sentences. Similarly, if you know 1000 sentences or Phrase then you can speak easily English.

 #3 It is also necessary to practice PRACTICE along with learning ENGLISH

Reading, listening, and speaking are very important for learning any language but if you have to learn to speak English like butter, then you have to pay maximum attention to speaking. Just as the children learn to speak before, after reading and writing in the same way to teach English, it is very necessary to be in sequence too - listen <write <read <write
if you want to be find an English speaking partner to click here but should have Skype App in your computer & Smartphone to using this website.

#4 How to START PRACTICE to speak ENGLISH?
To learn any language, you need not be Highly Talented, but need to be surrounded by that language. This is the best example of this. We learn our mother language automatically. This effect has always been the result of speaking in the house to listen to the same language. Even if a person is as stupid or mentally suffering, it is time to speak one or the other language.
Some people do not learn to speak English even after studying in other countries. One of the biggest reasons for this is that while they are living in those countries, they meet some friends of their country and talk to them in their local language, due to which they do not learn English properly.
You just need some friends, family members who always talk to you in English and just after that you learn how to speak English.
to search English Speaking Friend click here but should have Skype App in your computer & Smartphone to using this website.

#5. Use the right SOURCE to learn ENGLISH
Regarding practice, we have already talked that as much practice as you do, you will learn. But if you are teaching an incorrect English sentence, it is not always right. To learn English, you need the right English books, CDs, or any online source.

With an English-speaking person, English can make both good and bad effects. While speaking English, you should come to identify what is good and what is bad. By learning English from each other you can also find mistakes and learn Spoken English as soon as possible.
These are the 5 important rules necessary to teach Spoken English. If you like these Points, then definitely tell us through comments.

Saturday 17 February 2018

10 Tips for Being Successful in Job Interview:

10 Tips for Being Successful in Job Interview: 
 Today I will share 10 things that seem very important to me to get success in job interview with you. Apart from these things, there are some important tips which I will share with you as Job Interview Dos & Don'ts in tomorrow's post. In these 10 Tips you will see the squeeze of my experience related to my interview. So let's know what 10 things to focus on in order to be successful in the interview is essential. 
To Find Free English speaking partner online on Skype
Please visit following link

1 Take full care of creating CV / Resume:
The purpose of your CV should be to show your potential employer why you are the best person for this job. Your CV itself is the first thing that goes in front of the interviewer. They can say that this is your First impression happens. If the interviewer does not like the CV good, or it shows childish mistakes, then his perception may be bad for you. And also keep in mind that your small things point to your big-grandchildren somewhere. If a person is inadmissible to make his CV, then there are many chances to do so in the job too, and the interviewer knows this well. Creating a good CV is also important because most companies are sorted out candidates only on the basis of CV, And if you sort out here, the rest of the tips will remain kept. So do not miss this most important step. I can not tell how to create a CV here but can share some important points that you should pay attention to: Your CV should be professional looking. Use bullet points instead of large-scale paragraphs, they inspire interviewer more to read CVs. There should not be any spelling mistakes. If CV can be created in two pages then do not force them into four pages. Make a lot of changes in your CV according to different jobs. Try to highlight the points that are related to this job. After making the CV, take it from two to four people.
2 Give special attention to theoretical knowledge related to Job:
I am related to the insurance field for the last 5-6 years. I have fine knowledge of this field, but whenever I have an interview schedule, I repeat my old books, PPTs, and other resource material well. Give equal importance to theoretical knowledge related to the job, I know some people who have a good knowledge of how practically they work, but they lack technical terms and theory, and because of this, Success was not found. You do not make such a mistake, and do not underestimate theoretical knowledge. If I talk about it, then 60% of the entire preparation of the interview is given in this work. Here's the effort and effort made here, your confidence increases, And the answers you give are clear. Interviewer also knows from the quality of the initial answers that you are a well prepared candidate or a casual candidate. Interview should never take casually, this is a competition, you have to prove yourself better than others. And you can not do anything in any department. Therefore, pay any extra attention to theoretical knowledge related to the field you are going to give the interview. I am not emphasizing the practical knowledge here because if you are a fresher then practical knowledge is not expected from you and if you are exeperienced then definitely you will have practical knowledge. Interviewer also knows from the quality of the initial answers that you are a well prepared candidate or a casual candidate. Interview should never take casually, this is a competition, you have to prove yourself better than others. And you can not do anything in any department. Therefore, pay any extra attention to theoretical knowledge related to the field you are going to give the interview. I am not emphasizing the practical knowledge here because if you are a fresher then practical knowledge is not expected from you and if you are exeperienced then definitely you will have practical knowledge. Interviewer also knows from the quality of the initial answers that you are a well prepared candidate or a casual candidate. Interview should never take casually, this is a competition, you have to prove yourself better than others. And you can not do anything in any department. Therefore, pay any extra attention to theoretical knowledge related to the field you are going to give the interview. I am not emphasizing the practical knowledge here because if you are a fresher then practical knowledge is not expected from you and if you are exeperienced then definitely you will have practical knowledge. You have to prove yourself better than others. And you can not do anything in any department. Therefore, pay any extra attention to theoretical knowledge related to the field you are going to give the interview. I am not emphasizing the practical knowledge here because if you are a fresher then practical knowledge is not expected from you and if you are exeperienced then definitely you will have practical knowledge. You have to prove yourself better than others. And you can not do anything in any department. Therefore, pay any extra attention to theoretical knowledge related to the field you are going to give the interview. I am not emphasizing the practical knowledge here because if you are a fresher then practical knowledge is not expected from you and if you are exeperienced then definitely you will have practical knowledge.

3 Keep yourself in the place of Employer:
 Think of what you would find in an ideal candidate if you were an interviewer. Try to understand the specific need of the job vacancy, and to meet those needs, you can showcase the qualities you want in the interview. On the other hand, you can also hide the qualities that do not fit for this job. . For example: If you are going for a marketing job, you can highlight your travelling hobby, but if you are going for an operation job then you should not highlight it. You can make changes to your CV according to different job requirements, and make it even more effective. Normally an interviewer checks your confidence, subject knowledge and stability, the ability to work in the team, etc. Many times this also happens that you are overqualified for some work, such as if the computer operator is working and any MCA is interviewing for that job, the employer will hesitate to select it, because in his job There will be less chance of survival. So if your qualification is more according to the job, then it is OK to not mention it. Likewise, when you look at placing yourself in the employer, many things will come in your mind and you can prepare yourself accordingly. So if your qualification is more according to the job, then it is OK to not mention it. Likewise, when you look at placing yourself in the employer, many things will come in your mind and you can prepare yourself accordingly. So if your qualification is more according to the job, then it is OK to not mention it. Likewise, when you look at placing yourself in the employer, many things will come in your mind and you can prepare yourself accordingly.
4 Prepare the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) properly:
Some questions are very common in job interviews, which are asked in almost every single interview. Prepare such questions well, as well as think about the questions that can be asked in return for your answer. Here I am giving a small list of such questions: Tell me about Yourself? / Walk me through you CV? / Introduce yourself / tell us about yourself? Do you want to ask any question? Do you have any questions? (This can be asked at the end of the interview.) Tell us about your current job, what is your role? Tell about your current job, What's your job ? Why do you want to join this company? / Why do you want to join this company? Why is there a gap in your studies / job? Why is there a gap in your studies / job? Why do you want to leave your current job? / Why do you want to quit your current job? What are your weaknesses / strengths? / What is your weakness / strength? Why should we select you? / Why do you choose? Why did you choose this specialization? Why did you do this specialization? Why are your marks very low in XYZ exam? Why are your marks in Xyz exam so low? What is your biggest achievement till date? / What's your greatest achievement so far? Apart from this, some common questions related to your industry can also be asked, so study these questions in detail beforehand. Preparing for questions does not mean that they will be crushed. This is because your mental clarity remains. An outline of questions in the questions should be ready in your mind, and at the time of the interview, he should be ready to speak in his own words. For example: If someone suddenly asks you for your strength, then you will definitely give some answers, but maybe later you feel that you have missed your best, but if you are already ready then Such a mistake will not happen. And at the time of the interview, he should be ready to speak in his own words. For example: If someone suddenly asks you for your strength, then you will definitely give some answers, but maybe later you feel that you have missed your best, but if you are already ready then Such a mistake will not happen. And at the time of the interview, he should be ready to speak in his own words. For example: If someone suddenly asks you for your strength, then you will definitely give some answers, but maybe later you feel that you have missed your best, but if you are already ready then Such a mistake will not happen.
5 Run a complete interview process in Mind several times:
Whenever I have to give an interview, before that I run the entire interview of 4-5 times in my mind. And this is very detailed. In this, I think about the smallest thing till the end of the morning, till the end of the interview. By doing so, mind becomes totally clear about many things. Like when to pick up, what to revise, what to wear, how to go, how long to reach, what to go, how to keep gesture, how to introduce yourself, etc. The most important part is to visualize yourself interacting with the interviewer. I think in my heart that the interviewer is asking a question, and then I am answering it. By doing so many times such questions come to mind those whose answers are not properly known, and then I prepare them well. Do not know how this technique looks like, but whenever I do it, there is some advantage of something. Now whether it comes from an interview to the mind of any question arising in the brain or for a small item such as pressing the clothes for the interview 🙂 ... but there is definitely some advantage.

6 Mock & Mirror Practice
During the MBA, I had given mock interviews several times before the campus selection, and together with my friend Dheeraj, for many people's mock interviews, we had also recorded these interviews with web-cam, which saw a lot of benefits happened . If you do not have much experience in giving interview, you must also give Mock Interviews. To conduct an interview, you can request a friend or a senior who can give you a right feedback. Make this activity very seriously, this can teach you a lot. Because often we do not see those mistakes we make, but they can easily point out those things easily. Keep in mind that while there is no confidence in you from this activity. Here, the interviewer has to show that he will also tell you about your improvement areas and increase your confidence. If you feel that you can lose confidence with this activity then do not do it. Instead place yourself in front of the mirror and give your interview, and if you like, then record it in your mobile too. When you hear your answers, you will be seen some of your own improvement areas.
7 Note on Non-Verbal Communication: 
The way we communicate, we reach the front, in two ways. Verbally and Non-Verbally Verbally, that is what we speak, or write, and non-verbally the other things, how we speak, in what tone, our way of sitting, eye contact, even our dressing sense According to different research, only 20% of our total communication is verbal and 80% non-verbal. So it is very important to pay attention to this 80%. While interacting with the interviewer you have to pay attention to a few things: You will see that you are genuinely interested in this job. You can do this by dressing up properly, reaching the venue from time to time. Your voice should not be dull, it is very important to show enthusiasm and confidence. When you meet for the first time, a slight smile is necessary, And during the interview you should also keep a friendly gesture. Your enthusiasm for a job will be reflected in your preparation, so be sure to give your homework an interview. Specially, you should be well informed about the company, and also know about the current developments related to your field. Note: You can read this article to improve your confidence level.

8 Do not answer contradictory answers:
Interviewers can ask for your honesty, or just ask some of those questions which are related to each other. For example: If you have already said that this is your dream company, but when it is asked what the company does - and you can not tell properly, then the message goes that on one side This is your dream company and on the other hand if you do not even have basic information about it, then this does not mean you are not honest. Or suppose you have written your hobby Playing Cricket in the CV, and if you say Playing Chess in the interview, then certainly the interviewer will doubt you. Speaking the truth in the interview itself is right, but if you have spoken a lot in excitement or nervousness, then stay on that answer, 
9 Interview the language in which it is comfortable:
If you are proficient in talking both English and Hindi, you can skip this point but if you are not comfortable in English then you can be an important point. If you see today, most job interviews are in English, but in many places where there may be interviews in Hindi, people also try to give an interview in English. Look, it is better to speak the wrong english, say the correct Hindi. Yes, if job is such that without English work, such as in International Call Center, etc, then you try to talk in English only, but if there is such a job where Hindi can work as well Then talk in Hindi. In the beginning of the interview, you can ask the social worker that I can answer the questions in Hindi? Can I give my reply in Hindi? In most cases you should get the answer in yes only. And then you can give your complete interview with Native language + English. Actually, in many jobs, you just need to understand English, even if you can not speak it. But the ability to understand or read by reading is also enough to do that work, and the Interviewer also understands this. The biggest advantage of doing this is that you will be able to express yourself well and you will be able to bring any knowledge related to that job to the interviewer easily. And when you do that, the chance of your success will definitely increase. Note: You can read this article to learn English speaking.
10 Keep thinking that if the selection is good then nothing will be better than this:
 Do not be too over conscious to be selected in the interview. Even if you are not selected, the world will not be here again, in fact After a few months you may not even remember that you had appeared in such an interview. Those with positive attitude assume that whatever happens is good. I had interviewed for trainer in Max New York Life in 2010, but luckily my selection was not there. Luckily because all the people who were taken as a trainer at that time were fired within 6 months because of the poor condition of the market conditions. On the other hand, my selection was done only a few days later in HCL Technologies, which is a work culture And monetarily, both were good for me, and thanks to this job, There was also a chance to go to Europe. Friends, I hope that the things you share here will be useful and you will be able to improve your success rate in the interview in advance. I will be waiting for your feedback and related questions related to the interview. 
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Take these tips to speak English well

In today's time, everybody wants to move forward in their career and life. The language has been done to bring people together with the changes that have taken place in the world globally. To connect any person with their language i.e. that language speaks very important. In today's global era, English has emerged as a global language. That's why people are trying to learn and speak English to connect themselves with people, and gradually they learn to speak English, but in the meantime many times they unknowingly make many mistakes that they do not know. Walk Let's know that by following some such tips you can speak better English.

Which Accent Want to Learn
In India, people often like to learn American or British accents. Learn all the accents that you want to learn in such a way. Because the accent, grammar, and spelling of each accent are different. Keep this in mind. 

Keep your mouth movements in mind
Have you ever noticed your mouth movement while speaking? If not, then you can do one thing. Whenever you watch TV for a few days, pay attention to the mouth movement of any of your favorite hosts on a news channel. It will help you understand what your movement should be. After that, turn on the video recorder in your phone or start talking in English before going to the mirror. Then you can test yourself how your movement is? Whatever you are saying, is not it making a fake sound? If you want to do this, you can also take a small test of yourself. If most words are right, it means that you are going in the right direction, and if most of the words are wrong, then you practice this test for a few days. This will help you understand the words in which words you have to open 

No effect of mother tongue
Many times when people talk about English, it is time to talk about making a word of your mother tongue in English, which is not correct at times. Apart from this, many times the influence of mother tongue is seen. Like many times people stay longer on words that use 'I' and 'N'. In the same way, many people often use the letter 'J' instead of 'Z', like zero instead of zero and instead of when using when, which is wrong.

How do you talk
What is the speed of talking about the rhythm of your talking while talking? If you talk very fast then the person in front can not understand our half point. In such a situation, patience should be talked about, but it should not happen that you should talk so slowly that listening to your words in front of you becomes bored.

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